Wednesday 26 September 2012

Resources: Play materials and games for infants and toddlers

JOURNEY WITH AUTISM: Play materials and games for infants and toddler:

Play materials and games for infants and toddler

Age : 0-4 months

Ø Colourful mobile items

Ø Dangling toys

Ø Music carousals

Ø Finger play

Ø Rattles

Ø Rubber or plastic rings

4-8 Months

Ø Plastic spoons

Ø Pots and pans

Ø Cereals for finger feeding

Ø Non breakable mirrors

Ø Colourful plastic cups

Ø Textured balls

Ø Squeeze toys

Ø Balls

Ø Stacking toys

Ø Water play

Ø Peek-a-boo-type games

9-12 months

Ø Soft toys

Ø Bathtub play with toys that float

Ø Large beads and spools for stringing

Ø Cloth or cardboard books

Ø Beanbags

Ø Playground exploration

1-2 years

Ø Chasing and hiding games

Ø Imitation play

Ø Play phone

Ø Soft toys

Ø Bathroom play with squeezing and pouring toys

Ø Toys to hammer

Ø Pull toys

Ø Wooden and large cardboard blocks

Ø Toys with screw tops or plastic nuts and bolts

Ø Shape toys or disks to drop through slot in box

Ø Low sliding boards

Ø Sand play

Ø Water play

Ø Large crayons

Ø Books

Ø Sound producing toys ( horns, drums, recorded player etc)

2-3 years

Ø Toy materials for imaginative and imitative play

Ø Dolls

Ø Dress-up clothes

Ø Household toys (e.g., small brooms, toy kitchen, common using items realistic moving toys etc.).

Ø Water play with sponges, containers, doll clothes, soap , straws, or bubble blowers

Ø Modelling clay

Ø Paints, finger paints, blow paints etc.

Ø Simple shape puzzle

Ø Little toys (e.g., cars, trains, animals, people etc)

Ø Children’s scissors top cut with

Ø Playground for climbing

Ø Large balls to kick and throw

Ø Wagons and wheelbarrows

Ø Wheel toys with pedals (e.g., tricycles, cars)

Ø Sand play, with sand toys and shovels

Ø Walking on balance beams

Ø Rough house play

Ø Short field trips (e.g., zoo, carnival)

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that there's no need for fancy hi-tech toys! small things make a big difference especially with kids!
