Tuesday 25 September 2012

Role of OT

Have a look at the following link to better understand the vast roles of OT's in various areas, courtesy of the American Occupational Therapy Association. Happy Reading:)


  1. Fatima Variawa (PMB)8 October 2012 at 15:44

    I often wondered, of what relevance is OT's in South Africa?Is there scope for this profession in our community?After reading your post,I became sensitive to people's mental and cognitive disabilities,thus analysing the importance of occupational therapy in our country.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment. I am so glad my blog is helping to raise awareness. Yes, there is great scope for OT in our community. Every hospital, clinic, school and psychiatric facility should have a post for an OT. However, there often isn't funding set aside to employ an OT because the goverment or the management do not see the need for us.In fact the major problem facing us as OT's, is that as people do not know about OT, they assume it is not needed.Many OT's in hospitals face great challenges from the other health professionals they work with, because they do not appreciate their work or do not understand it. However we are making progress in raising awareness slowly but surely. For example I am doing my practical block at a psychiatric facility in Durban. Since the management saw the amazing work the students are doing, they are now trying to find funds to employ a full time OT :)
